“In many situations, with the help of a mediator, the barriers that my son faces would disappear and inclusion would be much easier”

Who are you?

I am Eduardo Almeida Ferreira Sousa Pizarro, father of a 16-year-old boy with autism, and we live in Portugal.

Tell us about your experience and needs relating to the need of a mediator

In the last few years, I have realized that there are too many barriers for my child’s personal development. These barriers are such that parents in our situation often cannot deal with them. I think that in many situations, with the help of a mediator, these barriers would disappear and it would be much easier to include him in the community.

Why are you interested in the YMI project?

Since I heard and read about this project, I was very interested in it because I had really thought that in certain situations, I needed help from someone with specialist training in the area.

Why do you think that it is necessary to create the role of a young mediator for autism?

I think it is related to the need to achieve several objectives that often parents alone, cannot make their children attain.

What would be the project’s most valuable information/tool/result for you?

I have special interest in knowing more about these areas: health and safety, careers and employment, self-determination/advocacy, peer relationships, social communication, community participation and personal finance, transportation, leisure/recreation, practical skills at home, etc.


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