Hundreds learn about the YMI project during a “Human Rights Matter” webinar

On October 24, 2020 Young Mediators for Inclusion Project (YMI) partner, Inovar Autismo hosted an international webinar under the theme “Human Rights Matter” – 4 Major Topics | 4 Countries | 4 Challenges. The webinar featured a panel dedicated to the YMI project in which the first results of the project were shared with attendees.

Organised after the first and second Edition of Inovar Autismo’s successful International Seminar, the Human Rights Matter webinar gathered more than 200 professionals, academics, families and other stakeholders interested in autism from across Europe and the globe.

The event featured 27 speakers and moderators, some of whom are on the autism spectrum, from Portugal, Spain, Italy and Belgium. The opening session began with a welcome from the President of Inovar Autismo, Ana Albuquerque Nogueira and a few words from Mrs. Secretary of State for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities Dr. Ana Sofia Antunes. Afterwards participants had the opportunity to attend 4 different panels throughout the day.

The topics addressed during the panels included: i) self-determination and independent life – work developed by CAVIS Alentejo and Setúbal and Inovar Autismo was presented and discussed; ii) innovation in human rights –presentation of the project “Human Rights Kit“, funded by the Program “Portugal Social Innovation”; iii) mediation for inclusion – presentation of the first results of the YMI project, funded by the Erasmus + Program and coordinated by Inovar Autismo with an intervention by YMI partner Autism-Europe; and iv) public policies of education and employment – state of the art and future challenges were discussed.

The closing session featured remarks from Dr. João Costa, Secretary of State for Education. Inovar Autismo received many positive responses to the webinar specifically regarding its organisation and the relevance of the content and topics addressed. 

Please find more information about the event here and the event programme here.A recording of the event will be available on Inovar Autismo’s YouTube channel in the coming weeks.


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