Why are you interested in the YMI project?

I love being involved in projects about autism so that I can help improve the conditions of people in the spectrum. When it comes to letting us individuals with autism understand what we need most, I think giving our contributions is of fundamental importance so as to provide useful elements to those who work in this field.

Why do you think that it is necessary to create the role of a young mediator for autism?

I believe these roles of mediators are essential for the inner growth of autistic people as long as they can effectively promote autonomy. Throughout the years I’ve seen similar local roles, such as the “adult companion”, which stay kept at a local level though.

Being able to apply shared guidelines to the whole European territory can lead to a joint management which will potentially avoid the creation of children of a lesser god.

What would be the project’s most valuable information/tool/result for you?

The promotion of autonomy where possible, to contribute and make national health systems more efficient.
Everybody’s contribution is essential, from the autistic individual to the insider to the institutions.

Thank you, see you soon! 🙂

To learn more about Thomas’ work:


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