Autismo Burgos

Autism Burgos is a Nonprofit Association of social initiative founded in 1984, member of Autism Europe, Autismo España, Federación Autismo Castilla y León.

Its main objective is to promote and improve the quality of life of people with autism and their families by creating, developing and optimizing the required services in order to meet their specific needs.

The Association attends 294 clients and their families; 110 professionals work in it.

Its Quality policy is focused on people, proffesionalization, Innovation attitude, Transparency, Scientific evidence based, Community based, and Life long learning education

Its Centres and Services are: Diagnostic Assessment and Guidance, Family support, Special Education School for children with ASD, Day Center for adults, Hosing Services, Leisure time Service, High Functioning Services.

From the beginning, Autism- Burgos has participated in many European projects:
Current projects: IPA+2, YMI, AUITSM AND SPORT, IVEA

Since 1997, Autism Burgos organize, in collaboration with Autism Europe, an international art exhibition, which take place at the same time as the Autism Europe Congress.


Autismo Burgos

Calle Valdenúñez 8, Burgos 09001, Spain

Tel: +34 947461245



Concepción Gárate García

Conchita holds a Law Degree from the University of Burgos. For her Post Degree she studied at the University of Burgos with the project "Services for People with Autism". As the Manager of Autism Burgos´s since 1989, she has been responsible for the adaptation and implementation of the Quality System according to ISO 9001/2000 in Autism Burgos and the coordinator of the Strategic Plans Autism Burgos Association.

Conchi Remírez de Ganuza López

Conchi is psychologist and holds a psychology of language Master. She joined Autism-Burgos in 1994, as a language therapist, and nowadays has the responsibility of the Evaluation and Diagnostic Service, attending the demands coming from the families, heading the evaluation process and coordinating with the educational and sanitary services of the community.

Javier Arnaiz Sancho

Professor of special education and a pedagogue. During his professional career (25 years), he has been involved in Burgos Autism through different positions, all of them related to special education of children with ASD (professor of a classroom, director of a concerted school specific for children with ASD El Alba and advisor). In the education field, he has participated in several European projects, as well as national and international congresses as member of his scientific committees or organizations.


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